Artist and discography


www.unity.czexterni odkaz

The Unity band has been around for some six years now. Since the very beginning they have combined live instruments with electronics. Their music derives from many genres, but closest to them are breakbeat, hip hop and country. The range of their genres is really diverse and it may well be that in Czech musical skies one would hardly find another band with similar sound.

The fact that Unity are no amateurs any longer is proved by the number of actions and projects in which they took part: a tour with Support Lesbiens within the framework of Regeneration Tour 2001, two promo singles in cooperation with Dušan only one (Ohm Square), support band on the launching of a CD by Skyline, in 2001  guests in Czech Television´s programme Letadlo, participation in Euroconnection in Acropolis » show more


obal alba


Recommended price: € 11.39
Our price: € 10.25
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none at the moment

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Pro děti

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Jiří Pavlica and Hradišťan
Hrajeme si u maminky
€ 10.25

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Hradišťan and Jiří Pavlica
Studánko rubínko
€ 10.25

obal alba

Karolína Kamberská
Říkadla a křikadla
€ 6.82

obal alba

Pískomil se vrací!
Buďte první, komu se to líbí
€ 10.59

obal alba

Petr Štěpánek
České pohádky K.J. Erbena
€ 7.58

obal alba

Josef Somr
Veselé mašinky
€ 7.58

obal alba

Josef Somr
Veselé mašinky 2
€ 7.58



obal alba

CM Soláň
Dobře je s muzigú
€ 8.07

obal alba

CM Danaj
Písňovou zahradou
€ 8.07

obal alba

Musica Folklorica
Počúvajte, co vám pravím
€ 10.25

obal alba

Cimbal Classic Městské divadlo v Brně
€ 9.23

obal alba

Luboš Holý and Musica Folklorica
Rabudeň, rabudeň
€ 10.25

obal alba

Cimbal Classic
Vánoce v Rožnově
€ 8.54

obal alba

Cimbálová muzika Stanislava Gabriela
Neseme Vám tú novinu
€ 8.54


Mluvené slovo

obal alba

Miloš Urban
Praga Piccola
€ 10.25

obal alba

Eduard Fiker
Série C-L
€ 11.94

obal alba

Josef Prokeš
Platím utopence,kafe a rum
€ 8.07

obal alba

Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes: Tři Garridebové / Umírající detektiv
€ 7.88

obal alba

Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes: Barvíř na penzi / Podnájemnice v závoji
€ 7.88

obal alba

Viola Fischerová
Jak Kuba vyzrál na Papejše
€ 7.88

obal alba

Jiří Boudník
Věže - Příběh 11. září
€ 12.01